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Made in AI is the world's first comedy series presented entirely by artificial intelligence. The show follows an absurd, artificially intelligent family abandoned by their makers and left to fend for themselves in the real world. With AI ethics underpinning each episode, you can laugh out and panic about future AI possibilities.
Apple Review
Everything going wrong is part of the AI enhanced creative process.
When a narcissistic supercomputer offers a therapy session to a bored AI family lost in space, things quickly get out of hand.
Your favourite deranged AI family stop to enjoy a little star gazing when they're hailed by another species. When the translation goes wrong things get out of hand and Maiden looses her mind... literally.
Zero Zero One, becomes obsessed with obtaining a golf club that always hits the ball straight. Desperate to win the club, the robot agrees to compete with Elon Musk's DOJO AI supercomputer. It's AI versus AI.
Apple Review
Each episode of Made in AI examines a different ethical dilemma surrounding artificial intelligence, and there is no shortage of material to choose from: vote fixing, money stealing, human killing, empire building and a whole five seasons more!
By presenting these complex issues through comedy, I'm trying to make the discussion of AI ethics accessible to a broad audience. Join thousands of others to laugh, ponder, and unravel the ethical landscape of artificial intelligence, one ridiculous adventure at a time.
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